Tuesday, February 20, 2007

usf event: wise fool community arts showcase and discussion

members of wise fool community arts create and use giant, beautiful puppets for community celebrations and protests. there's nothing quite like being part of a march or demonstration and finding yourself next to people and puppets like this:

next week, members of wise fools community arts, based in berkeley, will be on campus discussing and sharing how they use art and theater as vehicles for community building, self-determination, and social and political change. the event is the first of three in the "'we must be the change': a performance and social justice speaker series," organized by eve shapiro, that brings local political art and performance groups to the USF campus during spring 2007.

just the facts:

date: monday, february 26, 12:15-2:15pm
location: mclaren 252
cost: free of charge and open to all!

"we must be the change" is co-sponsored by the davies forum, gender and sexuality studies, latin american studies, the mccarthy center, media studies, performance and social justice, politics, sociology, and visual arts.


  1. googs, remember when that student we knew, p., shared with us his essay about being arrested for puppet-making in philly 2000 during the gop convention? those were the days.

    you do know that the day after kelly quinn legends ball in ann arbor, we are hosting festifools, a large puppet extravaganza? my puppet teachers, alex and sophia of superior concept monsters, are coming to work with students and colleagues here for our first (annual?) street theater art project. mark's students are spending the semester building puppets with social justice themes. alex and sophia are arriving mid-march to work with students in my urban planning class and nick's art + society class. and, in addition, i am likely going to do an anti-war mask-making session with local kids for the parade.

    seriously, you and sarah should come. okay, i realize it is near impossible, but seriously, you two should come. and bring sandy silver.

    i promise i will take plenty of pictures whether you come or not.

  2. puppets rock! check out also the Bread and Puppet in Vermont. They give out free home baked bread at the puppet shows.
