Saturday, February 03, 2007

how can i root for the colts to win the superbowl now that i know peyton manning contributed cash to bush/cheney 2004?

peyton, how could you? you seem so decent.

[evidence via daily kos]


  1. Isn't Urlacher a republican also? I think you're cheering for republicans either way in the NFL. And then there's the whole military angle. . . .

  2. yeah, it ain't easy.

    for me it's tough because i like peyton and i like his game. but to give money to bush/cheney - and we're not talking 2000; we're talking 2004, the time all of us knew they were crooks and liars - that's just ... low.

  3. Isn't Urlacher a republican also?

    Uh, no.

  4. Ewww. Really. Just Ewwww.
