Wednesday, December 06, 2006

holiday party on the fifth floor

the fifth floor of USF's university center building is an interesting mix of professors' and departmental offices. instead of putting professors in the same department next to each other, the offices are, more or less, on shuffle: a communication studies prof's office is next to one in media studies which is next to one in sociology which is next to one in peace and justice studies. it's awesome.

yesterday, the middle row of offices on the fifth floor had their annual holiday party. through the grace of teresa moore, i - a non-middle row office person - was invited to join the festivities. good lights, good snacks (mmm, pomegranate guacamole; mmm, homemade perogies - thanks lydia!), good drinks, and good people make for good times.

earlier that day, i attended the department of computer science's SLS/CS speaker series. the speakers were students - seng konglertviboon and yiting wu presented "extensions to," a project sponsored by professor dave wolber, and tony ngo presented "rjax: a web-based gui for river," a project sponsored by professor greg benson. i believe the presentations were the culminations of large research projects and the students presented to a nearly packed lab of students and faculty. impressive.


  1. Aha! I knew you'd blog this. My favorite thing about inner hall end of semester party is how fast it all comes together because everyone does a little something but there's no real plan. It's the Stone Soup of parties. A guest from an outer hall suggested that we turn it into a food competition but that would kill it -- the idea isn't to show off, but to have fun.

  2. youknowit, t-mo.

    i agree - no competitions!

    next time: even more lights!
