Tuesday, November 28, 2006

final project for digital democracy

for students enrolled in media studies 390:
1. Answer a question with support from outside readings
  • Formulate an interesting question you have regarding new media.
  • In no more than 4 double-spaced pages, answer your question.
  • Your answer must include at least one use of Dan Gillmor's We the Media. If you do not know how to integrate readings into your writing, see me immediately.
  • Your answer must integrate ideas and/or evidence from at least 3 outside readings beyond Gillmor. Any reading in any medium is acceptable as long as it is credible.
  • Zero typos. Zero grammatical mistakes.
  • Include a bibliography. Alphabetize your bibliography. If you don't know how to make a bibliography, ask a librarian in Gleeson Library.
  • Blog at least 3 times about your project and its development.
  • Hint 1: Before turning in your paper, consider swapping drafts with another student or students in class. Give and receive edits, suggestions, and questions with that student or students.
  • Hint 2: Select a question that makes you genuinely curious.
2. Read/Write the Web
  • From the reading and class discussion, we've discussed 12 read/write technologies: mailing lists and forums; blogs; wikis; sms; mobile-connected cameras; internet broadcast; peer-to-peer; RSS; online photo-sharing; online video-sharing; social bookmarking; and social networking sites. Select one of these that you wish to learn more about.
  • Spend time with the software and the community around it. Explore. Experiment.
  • Be sure to read and write – to download and upload – and pay attention to what happens.
  • Blog at least 3 times about your project and its development.
  • In no more than 3 double-spaced pages write about your experiences.
  • Write about both what you download (learned) and uploaded (contributed), but mostly write about what you uploaded.
  • Zero typos. Zero grammatical mistakes.
  • Hint 1: Consider selecting an application you have zero familiarity with.
  • Hint 2: If you are not having fun with your read/write technology, you probably have not selected the correct one.
Your papers are due in class on Tuesday, December 12. No late papers accepted. Be ready to informally introduce your findings during our last class. Pizza will be served.

technorati tag:


  1. "Zero typos. Zero grammatical mistakes." -- I wonder if there's more to that statement (i.e. is there some point you wish the student to discover). Or it's just an academic requirement (i.e. you're fed up with bad grammar), heh.

  2. Do you know about JPG Magazine? They're based out of SF, and just launched a new website that goes with their print mag. It's a great example of interactive media online, and community building.

    Basically people submit photos in different themes, and thought you would be interested in looking at this one: Democracy. People uploaded photos they felt showed this somehow. A lot of flags and such, but interesting to see how people show this concept as an image.

  3. hello ivan! (i've tagged a few of your last posts, especially the one/s about teaching blogs to senior citizens, on my rss reader and look forward to read them more closely once this busy week ends.)

    there's two things behind the zero typos, zero grammatical mistakes. first, many of my students are (or will become) journalists, media makers, and news makers - occupations that require a close reading. some of my students are really good with details and with editing, but some need significant work. i am hoping that they will use my class to learn the importance (and, sometimes, the fun) of editing. second, and much more important, i'm trying to teach my students the wonders of multiple drafts - of iterations. some students (not mine!) think that writing a paper involves: a) sitting at a computer, b) typing the required amount of words/pages, and then c) hitting print. i'm trying to get my students to think of the first draft as just that: a first draft. i want them to edit, clean up, and clarify. make sense?

    anastasia: very, very cool. i first learned about jpg mag via bre over at i make things. but i hadn't seen the democracy page - so, so cool! thanks.

  4. Ah, now I get it. Thanks for the explanation, David. They're reasonable requirements.
