Wednesday, October 25, 2006

USF exhibition: dia de los muertos / day of the dead

dia de los muertos, or day of the dead, is just around the corner and USF's latin american student organization, or LASO, has created a beautiful community alter to mark the occasion.

the alter is beautiful - vibrant colors, dancing skeletons, treats the living have left for the dead - and livens up the normally drab hallway located directly outside crossroads cafe. each day i visit the alter and each day it grows - collecting food, belongings, and poems that people leave behind.

the community alter is informative and educates the USF community about the history of dia de los muertos and explains how the tradition is honored in mexico, the philippines, china, guatemala, and brazil.

on a table next to the alter there are materials about related events taking place in san francisco - like the day of the dead procession in the mission district and a series of events sponsored by mission cultural center for latino arts.

1 comment:

  1. Halloween is coming to Mexico, it's good to know that the day of the dead is celebrated in USA.
