Friday, September 01, 2006

september project in college park, maryland

this morning brought news that the maryland institute for technology in the humanities, or MITH, will be participating in the september project!

as a graduate student, i had the privilege to work as a research assistant (with jason, george, and other smart scholars) for MITH where i learned a lot about digital humanities, teaching with technology, and creative collaboration. these days, it seems to me, MITH is doing some of the most cutting edge work along the intersections of the humanities and digital media. it's been impressive to watch the university of maryland grow quickly and creatively in this field - a field that the NEH is helping to stimulate.

also this morning - i learned that myron lounsbury, an associate professor of american studies at the university of maryland (and my master's thesis advisor!), is offering a number of september 11-related film screenings organized through, i think, the department of american studies. check it:
    Sept. 11, 2006, Hoff Student Union Theatre, 7pm: Nina Davenport's PARALLEL LINES, a documentary tracing the director's September 2001 travels across the United States from California to her NYC apartment located near the Wrold Trade Center Towers. Davenport will introduce her film and conduct a Q&A session after its completion.

    Sept. 5, 2006, Room J, Hornbake Nonprint Media Center, Hornbake Library, 7-8:15pm: the French-inspired 11"09'01, an anthology film offering interpretations of the attack on the World Trade Center from the distinctive cultural perspectives of 11 different countries. We will focus on the contributions from Iran, India, the USA, and Japan.

    Sept. 2, 2006, Hoff Student Union Theatre, 7:30pm. A free public screening of Oliver Stone's WORLD TRADE CENTER. Arriving early is strongly recommended.

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