Tuesday, September 12, 2006

faculty positions: digital media production, interactive communication, and new media/communication technology

Assistant Professor in Digital Media Production
Florida State University

The Department of Communication at Florida State University is seeking a tenure track Assistant Professor who can serve our digital media production program, beginning August 2007. Applicants should be able to work in a variety of production settings including field, studio and/or on-line, working with students to create entertainment and/or public affairs programming and media products that can be distributed across a variety of media platforms. Experience with digital video cameras, lighting and audio equipment as well as post-production software including AVID and/or Final Cut Pro is necessary. Familiarity with Aftereffects, Pro Tools, Lightwave, and DVD authoring programs as well as podcasting and streaming video is a plus. Applicants that have research-based interests in digital media and/or issues of technology-mediated communication in addition to the production skills listed above are especially encouraged to apply. Candidates will be expected to teach two courses a semester, serve our theory and research based graduate program and have a defined program of research and/or creative production.

The Department of Communication currently serves a select group of undergraduate Media Production majors as well as graduate students in a Communication and Media Studies Masters and a Doctoral program in Communication. Applicants will also serve our new Graduate Certificate in Digital Video, a four course program open to graduate students from across the university. Candidates should have completed a Ph.D. by the Fall of 2007. For more information about the department see: http://comm.fsu.edu/

Review of applications will begin October 15th and continue until the position is filled.

Andy Opel, Ph.D.
Digital Media Search Committee Chair
Department of Communication
University Center, Building C, Suite 3100
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2664


Assistant or Associate Professor
Interactive Communication
Quinnipiac University

The Quinnipiac University School of Communications seeks a full-time, tenure track assistant or associate professor in interactive communications to start August 2007. The School of Communications prepares students to produce and critically analyze content in the areas of news, public relations, entertainment and on-line media. The ideal candidate will make substantial contributions to an innovative Master's program in interactive communications, including supervision of graduate student theses and creative projects. Teaching responsibilities will also include courses at the undergraduate level in media production. We seek applicants who are engaged in research addressing emerging media and who are qualified to teach in areas of the curriculum beyond production. Professional experience and advanced degree required.

Applicants should submit cover letter, curriculum vitae, sample publications or creative works, names and contact information for three references to Dr. Raymond Foery, Chair, Department of Media Studies and Media Production, Quinnipiac University, SB-MCM, 275 Mt. Carmel Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518 or via email: Raymond.Foery@quinnipiac.edu. Final consideration of candidates will begin November 1, 2006 and continue until position is filled.
    alex halavais, a professor at quinnipiac university and one of the smartest new media scholars out there, added the following on his post to air-l (tangent: is air-l getting weird or what?!?), which i post with permission:

    There have been bunch notes out on the list recruiting faculty. I joined the faculty at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut earlier this year. I was looking for an opportunity to move from an Research 1 to a school that balances research with a dedication to teaching. Admittedly, I've only been here for a little while, but I've been very impressed with what I've seen. We have a great group of students, and despite being a large "small" school (we have the largest undergraduate program in the state, I believe), class sizes remain small, and support of faculty for teaching and research is excellent. Perhaps best of all, there is a strong entrepreneurial spirit on the campus, and the university is attracting some outstanding faculty. I suspect that if you haven't heard of Quinnipiac in the past, that will be changing.

    The School of Communication is hiring four tenure-track faculty this year, and will be continuing to add faculty in the coming years. We are looking for someone who can mix an online media production background with strong theory and research and teach in our MS in Interactive Communication. In particular, if you work in social computing it would be great to have you up here. Please don't hesitate to drop me a note, and I am happy to respond to any questions candidly.

Assistant Professor of Communication
University of Illinois at Chicago

A successful candidate must have interests in the study of new media, the internet, and/or communication technology in combination with the study of one or more of the following areas of department research strength: diversity, health, political, or visual studies. The candidate will also have an earned doctorate in Communication or a related field, strong promise of scholarly achievement and teaching success (at the undergraduate and graduate levels) appropriate for appointment as Assistant Professor, good prospects for external research funding, and demonstrated commitment to multidisciplinary scholarship.

Located in the heart of Chicago, UIC is a Research I University with 16,000 undergraduates, 6,500 graduate and 3,000 professional students. The Department of Communication has 11 full-time faculty, approximately 100 undergraduate majors, and 25 M.A. students. The Department is developing a doctoral program focused on the relationship between technology and communication.

The desired appointment is date for the position is August 16, 2007. Interested parties should send a full curriculum vitae, samples of relevant scholarly publications, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and four letters of reference to:

Professor Andrew Rojecki, Chair, Communication Search Committee, Department of Communication (MC-132)1007 W. Harrison St. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607-7137

Applications should be received by November 1, 2006, to receive full consideration, although the search will proceed until the position is filled. Applications from women and minorities are particularly encouraged.

Women and traditionally under-represented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.


looks like new media - and digital media and interactive media and cyberculture - is back in academic fashion with full force.

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