Saturday, September 02, 2006

driving down to SLO

in an hour or so, sarah, nene, and i drive down to san luis obispo for the wedding of shanthi and jon. shanthi's father and my father were professors of physics at cal poly, san luis obispo and they shared the same office for what must have been one or two decades. with luck, we'll make it back to san francisco sometime on monday night.

quick note for those in and interested in higher education: george just published teaching carnival #11. learn and enjoy!


  1. Is Nene going to be a ringbearer like Jinx in Meet the Parents?

  2. Hey David,

    What's up with the teaching carnival thing? It looks cool. I've been trolling pedagogy books for years but most of the ed theory assumes you're teaching 2-20 students, not 200. Do you know of other good large-lecture pedagogy sites?

  3. i was so good in the car, and now i want TREATS! nanny

  4. j - teaching carnival is a simple and super smart way to collect and leverage already existing information about higher education teaching.

    there's lots of academics blogging. many of them are blogging about teaching. teaching carnival is an attempt to collect and sort of collate higher-education teaching-related blog posts.

    so, let's say YOU want to be part of it. how's that gonna happen?

    1. blog about teaching - a class, a syllabus, a lesson, whatever.

    2. tag it.

    3. the editor (the next issue (september 15th) of teaching carnival will be edited/curated by the always interested scrivenings) will see your post and hopefully ...

    4. include it in the next teaching carnival.

    for me, the cool thing about this is being placed within a community of bloggers that are interested in higher education teaching. with each issue i learn about new academics who blog and especially new academics who blog about teaching. plus, everytime i read through another teaching carnival i get a ton of new ideas to test out in the classroom.
