Thursday, August 31, 2006

september project events at a college, community college, or university near you

although the majority of september project events take place in public libraries, many academic libraries are also hosting events.

for example, the exhibit taking place at cornish college of the arts library, in seattle, washington, sounds fascinating:
    On May 24, 2005, the U.S. Department of Education released a Notice of Implementation, announcing that all educational institutions receiving federal funding must provide an educational program commemorating the September 17, 1787 signing of the Constitution.

    This year, in honor of Constitution Day, an exhibit will be installed in the Cornish College of the Arts' Library to facilitate reflection and understanding of separation of powers. On display during the second half of September, the display treats the current controversy over George W. Bush's extensive use of presidential signing statements. Selected statements have been put up in the library. The purpose of the installation is to engage students in a contemplation of the importance of separation of powers, and the responsibilities we have as citizens to be aware of how our government works.
at susan colgate cleveland library learning center, at colby-sawyer college in new hampshire (where my friend and colleague melissa meade teaches!), the librarians are organizing displays (which include 9-11 coverage from the college's school newspaper) and discussions:
    The library at Colby-Sawyer College will be hosting a display of materials on globalization, free speech, freedom of religion, and life after 9/11. We will include reproductions of reports from our student newspaper of September, 2001, and welcome the campus community for ritual and discussion to commemorate the events of 9/11/01.
and the j. willard marriott library, at the university of utah in salt lake city, utah, is organizing a series of inspired events:
    The September Project 2006:
    Democracy and Informed Citizenry

    Free Speech 101: the Utah Valley Uproar over Michael Moore
    Monday, September 11 - 11:45 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. at the Hinckley Institute of Politics Caucus Room in 255 OSH: Joseph Vogel, UVSC graduate and author of Free Speech 101: the Utah Valley Uproar over Michael Moore, will speak about the experience of bringing filmmaker Michael Moore to the UVSC campus. Vogel will be signing books at the U of U Bookstore following the lecture.

    The U.S. Immigration Debate: Local Issues and Global Implications
    Wednesday, September 20 - 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. in Libby Gardner Hall: Rachel Swarns, Washington correspondent for The New York Times since 2003, will speak about the issue of immigration and the surrounding politics. Previously she served as chief of The Times bureau in Johannesburg and on the metro desk covering social services, including welfare reform and foster care in New York City. Before joining The Times, Ms. Swarns was a reporter at The Miami Herald from 1991 until 1995 covering immigration, housing, federal courts and general assignments. Before that she was with The St. Petersburg Times covering criminal courts.

    The Broken Branch and its Impact on Citizen Involvement

    Thursday, September 21 - 10:45 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. in the Hinckley Institute of Politics Caucus Room, 255 OSH: Thomas Mann, Brookings Institute scholar and author of The Broken Branch: How Congress is Failing America and How to Get it Back on Track, will speak about the role and history of the U.S. Congress and its impact on citizen involvement in the democratic process. The Sam Rich Program in
    International Politics has sponsored the filming of this event. Mann will be signing books at Sam Weller's Bookstore on September 20 at 8:00 PM.

    "Democracy and Informed Citizenry" Book Displays
    Student Government sponsored 9/11 Memorial Event
it is exciting to see so many academic libraries involved in this year's september project!

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