Thursday, August 24, 2006

a mighty blast from the past

yesterday, my first grade teacher contacted me via email. i haven't spoken to mrs gregory since, well, i was in first grade. mrs gregory was and continues to be one of my all-time favorite teachers and she helped foster in me (and in, i believe, my sisters cara, lisa, and nancy) a thirst for learning, especially reading. the good news is that she visits the bay area frequently and we'll be meeting up face to face in the near future.

what a perfect email to receive the day before fall semester begins.


  1. what id she tell you and why did she email you?? more info please.

  2. ooh, sorry!

    she emailed me because she heard (through a mom of a friend of mine from san luis obispo) that i moved to SF and she visits here regularly. we'll meet soon to catch up and swap stories!

  3. i'm so honored that you included our encounter on your blog.
    can't wait to catch up with you in person, david. (just think how hard we first grade teachers worked to teach all of you capitalization and here came
    the web which changed all that! i love it.)
    i hope your first week goes splendidly.

  4. My first grade teacher (her name was Mrs. Horse) would probably only remember me as someone who was stubburn, knew how to read (which was quite uncommon in those days as opposed to today where you're almost expected to know how to read when you start first grade), and had a horrible handwriting. We did not get along very well, partly because she scared me to death. She did teach me how to keep free the end of the tape so I don't have to nibble it free every time I want to use some. I guess it's true what they say about learning for life and all that.
