Saturday, July 29, 2006

digital migration

i am in the final stages of migrating my projects from UW to USF. with help from gilbert lee and roland wong from ITS, the following mailing lists have been successfully transferred from seattle to san francisco:
    theseptemberproject - a discussion list for participants (and interested non-participants) of the september project;

    cyberculture-announce - an announcement list about digital media, culture, and society run out of the resource center for cyberculture studies.
i began cyberculture-announce as a grad student in 1996, and it's rolled with me ever since - from the university of maryland to the university of washington to the university of san francisco.

next and last step: migrating the resource center for cyberculture studies. with a dash of luck, RCCS should be churning out monthly book reviews by september 1, 2006.

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